Shamanic Munay Ki Rites of Initiation Course with Moon Cycle Fire Ceremony and Free Yoga for Nine Weeks
In addition to the 9 Rites and Processes, your course includes 9 weeks of Free Yoga, plus how to work with the moon cycles and fire ceremony.
Receive the 9 Rites of Initiation from the Incan Lineage. Theses are energetic transmissions that have been held closely for many centuries by the medicine people of the Incan lineage in Peru.
I this course you will:
Accelerate or begin to heal the wounds of the past,
Alter your body's ability to heal,
Tune into your deepest intuitional knowing,
Expand your consciousness
Expand your ability to connect with the intelligence of the earth,
Elevate your frequency to accept blessings,
Activate your higher mind and the function of visioning your world into being
Shamanic Munay Ki Rites Initiation Course with Yoga and Moon Cycles
50% deposit Balance due by October 6th.